Friday, September 11, 2009

How Much Debt Is Too Much?

Forbes magazine has just posted an article that projects the future for us. What do you think about this article?


Eva Estrada said...

We know that during world war II
was a big recession and we might not be haviing the same thing right now
but we are in a recession again in a different way
and i do believe that by the year 2035 the GDP will be even higher then 181% and its not going to be still to much for the cuntry.

Sfranks2011 said...

i believe that most, if not all the debt is from the war we are having with iraq still. i think the president needs to focus on bringing home the soldiers first and then we can start to recover from the recession. the supplies that we send and all the money that goes into the war to due with iraq.

Lindsay Sweatt said...

I think it's scary that our debt is getting close to what it was during WWII. We really need to act fast to stop it. People are upset about higher taxes but if Americans would stop buying things that they can't afford and our Government would focus on what important then we could turn our economy around.

AOsborne5 said...

I think its crazy that we're about to reach our debt amount that was the same as WWII. it is true that war causes a lot of national debt. we all contribute to this debt problem and we all have to work together to turn it around. we must stop buying things we know we cant and wont be able to pay for. if we don't turn things around... then what will happen? we'll all be complaining more than today.

KayceeW5 said...

I believe the GDP will be higher after awhile so the president needs to stop it fast. Taxes are going up and its getting in the way of my family's money situation. Everyone needs to worry about the important things in life an help change the economy.

ChloeM6 said...

While I don't have any answer to the original question, I can't help but speculate and agree that it's a challenging one. How do we know when it's just too much? When our economy shatters and we are completely dependent financially on the government or foreign governments?

Chris Edwards said...

I think that GDP will get higher and higher in the next 15 or 20 years. We were once in a recession before I think in World War II which was a big one. When you compare these two recessions they are not actually the same but the two have something in common they both are recessions!!!! And myself personally I think that it will take a lot of time to get out of this recession but, WE as a country will get out of this together.

allysonl6 said...

it seems that people are starting to realize the debt we're getting ourselves into. i don't think they knew that in the 18th and 19th centuries, our country paid off all its debts as soon as the wars we were involved in were over. which is what we needed to try doing years ago, we wouldn't be in such a rut if better actions had been taken.
i think we do in fact need to bring our soldiers home.
they're fighting a war not needed to be fought, and costing U.S. citizens money that not all of them have.

Marilynツ said...

I believe that our GDP getting much closer to the way it was during WWll could only mean we are getting closer to a depression again. If we don't do anything things will only get worse, even if we pull our troops out it won't do much good except give people the peace of mind that many want, just knowing that their loved ones are home/safe.

Dustin D. said...

Our country's national debt is out of control. 11 trillion? Are you kidding me? We live in the richest country in the world. How did we let the debt get this bad? If we don't pay off our debt soon or at least make it smaller, then our country is going to collapse. It is up to our generation to spend our money smarter and get this national debt under control.

kara.m_xoxo said...

I think it's really crazy how are debt is getting close to how it was during WWII. It kind of scares me because i wonder how bad of an effect it will have on our future! Will i still get to do the things I wanna do when i'm an adult. I think we need to act on this fast or there might not even be a future.

drp11 said...

I think the GDP is going to get higher if we don't do something about it now . the fact that are debt is becoming as high as it was during world war II is quite scary. I think we should start focusing on things that we need and can afford rather than things that we know we cant pay off or afford. Its time for everyone to start pulling there own weight and trying to help are country.

agg2011 said...

So I am amazed with the fact that the nation's debt is almost as much as it was in World War 11. It makes it obvious that the war causes our country debt so this means for us to improve and decrease our debt we should send the soldiers home. We could gradually get out of our debt day by day so it wouldn't be as bad.

ShelleyT6 said...

its amazing that we're reaching the same amount of debt as back in WW11. and i do believe that the war now might have a lot to do with it. you think we would've learned from the first time all this happened. But we just keep letting it happen to us and who knows how long it will be before we can get out of it.

kadieh6 said...

Although I still do not understand all of the percentages of GDP, I do know our debt will just keep increasing if something does not happen soon. I found it interesting that Democrats are for raising taxes and Republicans are against it. I didn't know that until after reading this article. I don't know how our nation will recover from this recession, but I hope the Government can find a way to get us out of it. It seems like wars bring a lot of debt to our country, but the economy postwar becomes better. Hopefully the same thing will happen this time after the war in Iraq.

veronica(: said...

i think that it's sad that they think that our debt will reach 181% by 2035 and 716% by 2080, that we've dug ourselves into so deep of a hole that we'll probably never dig ourselves out.

JBiddle7 said...

This is just like the IOUSA video. This is scary that world war 2's debt is going to look tiny in 30 years. I don't get how we are getting out of a recession if the GDP is going up really high. I am wondering how this country is going to get out of this. I unfortunally think that the US will fall from debt if something doesn't happen.

Austin Mooney said...

The fact of the matter is that we can't pay off our debt, there is just too much. What we can do is stop it, or at least slow it down. In order to do that we should improve foreign relations and trade. While doing that we need to make some money for the economy, which needs the citizens to make money and go shopping. Right now no one has any money so they can't buy anything so large companies aren't making money and their contribution to federal taxes is much lower than what a minimum should be. But until we can get this idea under control and in motion we will still have problems and our debt will continue to rise.

N_Squire said...

I'm not believing most of what this article is saying because I refuse to accept just about anything an article that is biased says. This is like politacal propaganda and trust my I would know because I know someone that says things just like this except he says that it is all the Democrats fault whenever something bad happens and Democrats are why everything bad happens. This article however is just the opposite, it talks about how Republicans are the reason for everything bad that happens. I don't think anything this article says is true, it's just propaganda. Why are there never any unbiased reports anymore?

RebekahW6 said...

I think that it is unbelievable that we have let the national debt get this out of hand. Reaching as high as we did during WW1? However, I don't think we can just automatically get rid of this large amount of debt. I think it is going to take smart moves from both democrats and republicans to figure out ways to slowly get the debt down to a reasonable level.

elyniP4 said...

Are debt is definitly getting scary if were reaching the same amount as the debt we were in WWII. And this makes me think that the main reason were in this debt, if not the whole reason is because of the war now. Which in my opinion were now in for no reason.i don't believe we can really make much improvment from this recession until we do something more about the war were in. And then we can focus more on the debt we've put ourselves into.

elyniP4 said...

Are debt is definitly getting scary if were reaching the same amount as the debt we were in WWII. And this makes me think that the main reason were in this debt, if not the whole reason is because of the war now. Which in my opinion were now in for no reason.i don't believe we can really make much improvment from this recession until we do something more about the war were in. And then we can focus more on the debt we've put ourselves into.

msalser7 said...

It scares me to know that we could be back to where the debt was during World War II. I think it is ridiculous that this is happening. People should know what they can and can't afford. It's not safe to rely on other people to help you with money problems, which is where America is heading.

zacp06 said...

I knew that debt issues were bad but I had no clue they were peaking close to the debt levels we reached in World War II... That truly is something the national government should be paying attention to. Health Care and the War in Iraq are important issues, but none of them have anything on the issue of our Economy. Maybe they just don't care becuase it affects them very little but I know for a fact I want a little bit of money and security I can retire on. Our country is beyond a state of a complete cure for the situation we dug our selves into. All we can do now is try to make rock bottom just a little bit softer once we hit it.

Anonymous said...

Apparently,the cause, in the past, for heavy debt was the wars. And it was expected for the debt to be gone when the wars ended. This isn't the case now, even if the war in Iraq ends, we'll still be in debt because of the Medicare and Social Security.It makes me wonder how we're going to survive after we retire, since it's just going to get worse and worse.

Anonymous said...

Apparently,the cause, in the past, for heavy debt was the wars. And it was expected for the debt to be gone when the wars ended. This isn't the case now, even if the war in Iraq ends, we'll still be in debt because of the Medicare and Social Security.It makes me wonder how we're going to survive after we retire, since it's just going to get worse and worse.

briannab5 said...

I think that we will pretty much always be in debt because government is always spending money to help the economy, but there needs to be something changed so we dont get as bad as it was during world war 2

Heather said...

I think the national debt is ridiculous. Eleven trillion dollars is alot of money, and for our country's reputation of being the richest country, it's horrible. I think if we don't get our debt set to a low number the united states will turn into a third world country.

L.Howardperiod7 said...

It's surprising that we've managed to get our GDP up to levels of the world wars. If our GDP is still rising, we aren't doing anything to stop it and we certainly aren't making it go down.It would take something amazing to even get the number to stay at a stand still. It seems that it would be impossible to start shrinking it.

Alec said...

It's scary to hear that our debt is close to where it was during WW2. The national debt is growing at a ridiculous rate, and if things don't change it's gonna be bad news. It's up to our generation to make that change, and spend our money for .

Abbie said...

It is hard to believe that our national debt is reaching amounts close to that of World War II. There will probably always be a national debt no matter how hard we try to fix it, but we should really try to control it so that it is not reaching percentages as ridiculous as 716% of GDP. Either the democrats or republicans need to find a way to lower it before it starts growing uncontrollably.

kaygibb said...

its so crazy how high the debt is! the GDP will most definitely increase throughout the years. i feel being in iraq is a good idea but bringing the soldiers back and focusing on the recession would make things go alot faster, so i think that's what the president needs to do.

Luke Sherron said...

I think its shocking that our national debt is about to be as high as it was during World War II. I think it is important to pay it down but there are other things that are more important. I think if we could pay it off during WWII we can pay it down now.

ChrisShort said...

I can't believe how much of a hole we are getting ourselves into. It's hard to believe we are almost in as much debt now is close to what it was during WWII. I'm just waiting to see when we will sit back and look at what's going on and say much is too much.

Jakefletcher said...

This article is quite scary. To think about how much debt the United States is already and then go and think about how much it will be in the years ahead it crazy. In my opinion we will never be able to pay back this debt within our lifetimes.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty crazy that we're about to be in as much debt as we used to be during WWII. The GDP will definitely be higher than 181% by 2035 if we America does not reduce their debt.

MikeyBrown7 said...

World War II was one of the biggest known recessions during the history of the US, we need to do everything we possibly can do in order to stop the downward flow of debt, people of the US need to stop spending on what they dont have so the government doesn;t have to help us get out of these situations if we stop using credit and only use debit then the government can work on lessening the debt our country owes.

celeste =] said...

I was shocked actually to find out the national debt is nearing that of WWII. War will definitely do that to the economy. So we have to ask ourselves if its worth it. I definitely don't think the war is worth fight. I think the recession may be ending/over but now we need to recover.

Stefano Ballari said...

Even knowing that the last two wold wars had increase the national debt, doesn't mean that the actual wars have much to do with the actual situation of the US. The economists do not give many opinions about what to do. The only thing they say is that the governent needs to do something soon, so the only thing we can do is wait and see what the governent is gonna do.

Sarah B. per#4 said...

It really surprises me that we are in as much debt as we were during world war 2. The way that we could go about improving this would be improving our trade and foreign relations. We are in so much debt that there is no way we could even think about paying this back anytime soon. For now, we just need to think of a solution to slow this down, and hopefully the economy will start to improve.

Lauren True said...

"At this point, our finances will effectively be controlled by foreigners and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), just like Third World countries." I totally agree with Bruce. It is so depressing that by 2019 we will be to a point where we will barely be able to pay the interest on our debts. I thought it was very true that each time a major war ends our debt goes down because of the vast decrease in defensive spending but we really don't know if because this isn't a huge war we are in now that it'll make much of a difference if we do ever get out of Iraq.

ConorO'Hea said...

Every time i look at the current national debt it seems to be so much higher than before. It's ridiculous how much it is. There's no way we could get ourselves out of it. Scary stuff...

anthony o'brien. said...

the amount of the national debt is so high! it's at the point where you'd think no one has even attempted to lower it. i'm very much happy that i'm not the one making any decisions about how to handle the debt. it is overwhelming. are we not allowed to just say, "Hey! Let's Just Start Over!"

AshleyS6 said...

Its crazy we are about to reach the debt amount from WW2. the debt is ridiculous. you would think the country has learned its lesson, but debt keeps rising. i think the war is a huge factor.

HOLOGRAPHICpizza said...

Well, we're screwed. Its going to take something extremely serious to get people to actually start solving this problem. Right now everyone is having a great time ignoring it, and no one even wants to think about it.

Astimp7 said...

Well I kinda saw it coming. with the high price of the war and how long its lasting. We need to pull out or finish the war in order to held out with the economy. Ending the war will help but it wont solve the recession was caused by many different things. There is a way to get out but we need a cure more than a band-aid.

dross =] said...

people are getting upset with the debt getting higher but in my opinion if we start buying what we need instead of what we want then the U.S. can stop putting there self into debt which will help the nation climb down the high rate list.

KyleS6 said...

WOW we are out of control with spending our money. I think that it will be up to us to make our Debt under control and get back to living the right way.

BrianM6 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BrianM6 said...

i think that debt is not always always a very bad thing, little debt is good to keep you working and motivated but when the u.s has a debt of 8 trillion debt i personal think we will never be able to get out of it at least not in our lifetime

AJDowning4 said...

I believe our debt is out of control. 11 trillion dollars is just unreal. We spend money like crazy and that is a very scary thing. I don't think the debt will be lowered for a very long time.

MeganS4 said...

Everyone is worried about our debt but I don't think anyone is really going to be able to do anything because no one wants go back steps to regain more money or whatever, because they are so used to what they are able to get now.

Anonymous said...

I think that most of our debt is from the war in Iraq, I think that we could fix two problems at the same time if we bring home most of our troops, because we would be finally pulling out of a pointless war while saving the large amount that we would be spending.

jparks5 said...

The debt is way to high for any country. The government, I think, needs to bring the soldiers home and work the rest of the problems. Paying the soldiers is a lot money to pay. The U.S. doesn't have any money to spare. I don't see much of a reason to be over there anymore.

Indigo&Cotton said...

This is quite a frightening article, the amount of money that the United States owes is nearly impossible to comprehend. When the US was in World War Two, they were fighting at the height of the war three countries, on a huge scale. Now we are in debt almost the same amount but fighting only 2 countries on a very small scale, how does that work?

astrother7 said...

World War II was one of the biggest known recessions during the history of the US, we need to do everything we possibly can do in order to stop the downward flow of debt.

Allyson said...

I think there are many factors contributing to this huge debt. But, the main one is war. We keep adding on to our national debt and its getting close to what it was during world war II and back then, we had the great depression because our country was so poor. If it gets any higher, we could be facing the second big Great Depression. Americans need to also stop buying things they know they cant afford.

the middie man said...

even tho we are seeing a ease up of the recession were still in the whole the housing market is not changing and u.e. is still very high we still have a while to go be for we will be stable.

ToriA7 said...

I think that the article gives a glimmer of hope with a hint of cynicism. Yes, we are close to the level of debt we were during WWII, but the cost of war has also gone up as well. People just need to take a deep breath and relax.

shawnpowell6 said...

for our country we say we are in debt but yet we continue to print new money with out paying that debt that is another reason we cant get our citizens to stay out of debt we're so far in debt we have to put others at risk to help ourselves get by...