A popular term that we heard this summer was, "Cash for Clunkers". What is this all about? It was a government economic stimulus initiative at work, clearly though--no one should believe that this is a long-term answer to the worst economic contraction, in the business cycle, to occur in the United States since the 1930's - Great Depression. What did you think of the idea? Do you know anyone that took advantage of the plan?
I thought that the "cash for clunkers" program was a good idea. It helped stimulate the economy because it helped people buy new, fuel-efficient cars, that would,in the long-term, help people save money, while heping car sales go up. My friend Kyle used the cash for clunkers program to trade in his GMC Jimmy for a rebate on a new Pontiac.
I believe that "cash for clunkers" is a fantastic idea from someone of my age. We get nice new cheap cars for cheap. The automobile industry is also not doing to well so this is a fantastic idea to push sales up, it might not me the thousands of dollars as it was before but this is better then nothing.
I think "cash for clunkers" is a great idea. It will definitely help the economy and you can save a lot of money as well.
"Cash for Clunkers" was a great idea. Many people want a new car but can't afford one. Having this deal helps families get new cars, while saving money. It is also helping the car sales. This was a great idea to have during this time in the economy.
The "cash for clunkers" program was definitely a beneficial program for many people. Those who had "clunkers" could trade in to get a nicer car for a significantly lower price. The struggling auto business definitely got a boost. I know that this program helped stimulate the economy and helped out many who were looking for a more reliable car in which to travel.
The "cash for clunkers" program is a good idea for giving families who really need a good car something to drive, but is it something that only the people who need it can use, or is it also something that can be taken advantage of by people?
The "cash for clunkers" program has definatly been a success. It not only allows families to purchase new cars for cheaper prices but it also helps car sales. It's a win win situation.
The cash for clunkers was an awesome idea. I took advantage of this opprotunity and got me a new pontiac g5. This is a great idea because it gets rid of all of the gas guzzlers and move to cars that get great gas milage 9 (fuel efficient) . This helped stimulate the economy alot.
In my opinion, "cash for clunkers" was the only smart and successful idea our President has unleashed. I took advantage of it and am now the owner of a Pontiac G6. The program helped to stimulate the economy which was its main intention. Also with a large number of gas guzzling "clunkers" not sucking down gas, we might see gas prices fall, now that we are pumping sparingly.
Cash For Clunkers is a great idea especially in this economic time,many people use this program for rebates on buying a new car. 4500 dollars is a big help on getting a new car. The car i have now is payed off and i got it for only 3000 , it still meets all of the requirements for the cash for clunkers prgram. Eventually when i get a new car i will trade my old car in for the rebate and i will have made 1500 dollars. Overall i think this program is very fair and helps a very common problem
This was the first time i have heard of this program but it has seemed to be a good one. In the long run i think it will help the economy. I'm not sure i know of anyone who has taken advantage of this program.
I think clash for clunkers was a great idea. I heard the plan was working too well even. The plan also got cars that are better with gas mileage and gas emissions on the road.
i love the cash for clunkers idea. i know many people who have taken advantage of the program. members of my family even checked into the program for themselves. what i love the most about the idea is that the cars are not shammy and terrible. i wish i could get cash for clunking celeste. (:
I think the cash for clunkers program is a great idea. My friend took advantage of this program and got a new Pontiac. this will definitely help the economy, and people save money.
I thought the cash for clunkers program was a great idea for 2 reasons. One, people that neede a new car but couldn't afford one might have been able to get one when this program started. And its a great way to help the environment by getting "gas hog" cars off the road.
I think its great because you can save a lot of money for the economy.
I think its great because you can save a lot of money for the economy.
I think that cash for clunkers is a good idea but I have a problem with it. American car companies are in trouble right? Why don't we help them by making people only be able to do cash for clunkers if they use it to buy an American car? I'm pretty sure that the government giving people money on a car trade in and then the people turning around and buying a Honda or a Toyota isn't going to help an American car company that is in trouble.
I think Cash for Clunkers has been a great idea. I read Nathan Squire's post which said that people should use the money on an American car since it's the American companies that are in trouble. I agree to this to a sertain degree. Yes, I think people should trade in for an American made car, but no I don't think we should make them. This should be highly encouraged though, it could get our American companies back on their feet and moving again.
I think cash for clunkers was brillant. It gave people a break who needed a new car and it help simulate the auto industries.
The "Cash For Clunkers" program really caught my attention. I like that we are trying to get more feul efficient cars on the road and that people are able to trade in their scraps of metal to get nicer cars.
This progam is definitely a 'win win'
"Cash for Clunkers" is a great idea, except for the fact that the government didn't take into account how many people were going to take advantage of the amazing deal... So, they didn't have enough money..
This program is a great idea. I know multiple different people who have used this program because it has allowed people to buy better vehicles and more eficient cars. The "cash for clunkers' program was accessible for people of all situations.
The cash for clunkers program was a very good idea that the government came up with i think that both the automotive industry and the people. the automitive industry gets rid of there newer cars and the people get a new car for cheaper than what they would originally pay for it.
i think that the cash for clunkers program has helped alot of people out in the recession. you can go trade your car for a rebate or down payment on a better car that'll help you out later in life.
cash for clunkers is a good idea to me. it provides many positive things for the economy. it helps issues like buying and using a lot of gas, and without a lot of engine gas pollution, we get fresher air (: people will get new cars, for a good price, and it stimulates the economy. it makes everyone happy.
The "cash for clunkers" is a good idea but still has flaws. the main problem is the dealers can't afford all the clunkers. Also the government is slow to give the money to the dealers. The plan is good but it still poorly executed.
I think Cash for Clunkers is a wonderful idea because it stimulates spending although it may not be tremendous it still is spending. Personally, I do not know anyone who has participated in the program.
This seemed to be the most effective part of the stimulus deal. It definatly helped to fix the car industry or at least brought it a bit farther out of the hole, known as debt.
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