How could anyone ignore the summer Olympics.?.... Phelps with 8, yes 8 medals..... Ever wonder how much it costs to advertise during such programming? Oh what the heck, tell me yes ....... read this article, yes you can comment on the Olympics itself too and respond.
I've been watching the Olympics this year. There actually isn't too many commercials on NBC and the ones that do come on are the same commercials over and over. I think I can tell the exact lines of the McDonalds and Budweiser commercials because they come on so much. Thousands of people watch the Olympics so it's a good time to stick a good advertisement in. The cost to air commercials is just as expensive during the Superbowl. The article mentioned that Barack Obama has been the first presidential candidate to advertise in a while during the Olympics. However, there have been ads for both Obama and McCain.
Ive only been watching the olympics when Phelps is about to swim and when i do there are almost no commercilas. But when they are its usually McDonalds or Mastercard. Ive seen Obamas commercial too
I've watched the olympics a few times and when I do, I just see the same commercials over and over again. Most of them were about Obama and McDonalds. I also never knew that a 30 second commercial could cost so much.
This is silly silly silly.
I dont need to watchthe same commercial 5 times in order to understand it. and whats really funny is they pay for it. its kinda a waste of money. and im pretty sure the companys and products that are paying top dollor for these air times arnt low on business. McDonalds?? really....the only one maybe justified is Obama. cause the elections are soon and important.
I haven't watched the Olympics that much, however, the day I did(indoor volley ball) it kept showing the same commercial every break. Very irritating. But paying that much? Seriously. Thats crazy. McDonalds makes enough money from local ads, I dont think it needs one for the Olympics at a price of $750,000. Put the money to better use. However, the presidential ones are worth it because thats something they need. I haven't seen many of them during the Olympics, I saw one maybe of Obama.
I have only watched the olympics a couple times when it was swimming or running. Michael Phelps is a really good and fast swimmer an finally won 1st place for most gold medals. I would of never thought that commercials would cost as much as they do. Wow!
I haven't watched much of the Olympics but the repetition/money spent on ads doesn't surprise me. Interesting that its the first time in quite a while that there has been ads for the presidential candidates during the Olympics though. On a completely unrelated note, some of the fireworks weren't real, but CG additions to the televised Olympics, among other skulduggery! (I love that word)
Personally for one I would never advertise during the olympics. I haven't watched one commercial during it and there are always many events going on on different channels and I will turn it there or to another sports channel(E.S.P.N.) 31.1 billion people watched Michael Phelps win his eigth gold medal and 97 million people watched the Super Bowl. It costs $750,000 to advertise during the olympics for a 30 second commercial and 2.7 million for the Super Bowl. The only difference is people watch the Super Bowl commercials. I can name five commercials off the top of my head that came on during the Super Bowl but not one in the olympics. I probably know more about sports than any other student at the high school so I tune in for the sports not the commercials. But a lot of people tune in for Super Bowl commercials so save your money for the Super Bowl.
If the average cost for a 30 second spot during the Olympics is 750,000, then only expect commercials for the biggest companies in the world. Its a smart move by advertising on dutring it because so many people worldwide tune in to it. Yes, the previous posters are correct in that most of the advertisments are the same companies over and over again
I havent really been watching the Olympics that much, but $750,000 is alot of money for just 30 seconds. Obama being willing to pay that price jus goes to show how determined he is to win though.
I have only been watching the Michael Phelp races. But while im watching im only seeing commercials about the Olymics, they are not too bad.
I have watched the Olympics and in my case I have seen a couple of commercials on the Spanish network
but in the English one I just keep seeing the same ones over and over. Some of the commercials are Obama's campaign commercials and some are McCain's.
A lot of money is involved but that doesn't matter cause they can get more by getting people to go out and do whatever they are advertising so its like a balance.
Like everybody else, almost all the commercials i've seen have either been for Obama, McDonalds, or Mastercard. $750.000 is an outrageous price to pay for a little bit of advertisement.
the olympics rocked. and yes, mcdonalds was a big ad this year... its crazy how much money a company will pay just to get a little tv time.
I i didnt watch the olympics alot this year but when i did the same commercial would always come on like 5 times..to me it gets irritating. Its a bit ridiculous to pay 750,000 for 30 second air time. I guess it catches your attention though.
I think thats crazy that the averge 30 second commerical was about $750,000. It just as high when the super bowl is on.
This year I actually didn't keep up with the Olympics. I, personally, am not a fan of commercials, or tv, but I would never waste that much money just to advertise something, for 30 seconds no less. I also believe it was a smart on Obama's part to buy a slot during the Olympics.
I watched Phelps swim and if I wanted to watch any other swimming event i would but when the commercials would come on I just kind of walked away. The advertisements are always the same.
What is so great about these commercials that people have to spend all this money? I mean who truly deep down cares about those commercials? An to let people know we have a thing now and days known as DVR which allows us to skip commercials when we want. So therefore, once again all this money being spent on 30 second commercials could really be helping homeless children and families or something to help educate our students! Come on America!
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