Okay, admit it, many of us choose to pass on the soda's and energy drinks and opt for just plain ole bottled water (minus the fact that I do have "Dew" attacks on some days).... problem, a economy that is struggling. So, now what? What else is this slow economy going to effect in our lives? Is bottle water worth purchasing or do we opt for the trusty tap water that comes much cheaper? What will your family do? Tell me what you learned from this article? What do you believe will be the future for bottled water?
I never buy the large 20 0z. bottles, they are a rip-off. I have got the smaller bottles before, but the large ones are reduclously expensive.
I have no problem drinking from the tap, I like bottled water more, but if I was low on cash, I would. That is how a lot of consumers will act this summer when they are financially pinched.
I drink way too much water to be constantly buying bottled water.
My fridge has a purifier in it that goes to the water dispenser and the ice maker, I usually just fill up washable water bottles with that.
I must confess my mother and I are avid buyers of bottled water. Why? I'm not so sure. Were probably like most of America, convenience over practicality. Sure its cheaper to drink tap but why do that when the nice people at Auquafina have it all ready for you?
I drink tap water, bottled water, and the filtered water from our refrigerator. I like buying bottled waters because it's convenient but we don't always buy it because it can be expensive.
I don't mind drinking tap water at all. It's cheaper, and tastes fine. Sometimes when I'm out, I drink bottled water, but usually, it's just too expensive for me when I can get it at home for next to nothing.
I'm gald to see that less and less bottles of water are being purchased. It cuts back on a lot of unneeded waste and expenses. I think people would have a lot more money in their pockets if they just went out and bought a water purifying system.
bottled water is slightly ridiculous. why pay for a bottle when u can just use a glass from your house and simple tap water. plus if u do buy a bottle of water recycle it by refilling it not just throw it away.
I think its kind of silly to sell bottled water when you get water from your own home. Of course if you don't have a fliter it might taste funny but, that watter isn't at all as expensive if you were to buy bottled water everyday.
I wouldn't buy bottled water with the price as high as it is. Tap water is way cheaper and to me taste the same so why pay more for the same thing?
I'll be the first one to say that I am a self-proclaimed "water junkie." Trying to get the recommended daily serving of water, 64 ounces, I am constantly drinking water. While at times a water bottle is more convenient for on the go, I think tap water tastes just the same. Recent studies show that tap water actually IS healthier than bottled water. So I'll take tap, thank you.
I actually like drinking tap water, I mean bottled water is okay but too me it's a waste. My family buys it at home but once it runs out we go back to the tap water.
After reading this article, I realized I never cared about all the bottles of water I purchase from the store on a daily basis. People seem to think that tap water has a funny taste, but I think that Middletown has the best tasting water in the area compared to other major cities. Also all the pollution that comes out of these bottles when you don't recycle them can have an effect on us and our environment. I can say that my family will continue to buy bottled water because it seems easier for on the go situations.
I have never really liked the taste of tap water. I usually don't drink too much water but when I do it does tend to be bottled water or water from our refrigerator. I think that bottled water is just easier for on the go and stuff. I think that it is better to drink tap water but I don't know if I will drink it myself.
I think that bottled water is a big waste of money for the average person. I used to work at a mini mart and we imported bottled water for about five cents a bottle...and we sold them for about a dollar a bottle. So if I wanted to save about 20 bucks a week I would definately drink tap water.
In my opinion, I believe that Heather from the article was right in saying that her tap water from her sink is just as good as any bottled water. Why not save money by consuming tap water instead of expensive bottled water. Basically, we are getting the same product for almost free, compared to spending a lot for bottled water.
I feel like I always have a bottle of water with me. It's just convenient. When I'm at home i'll drink what ever, but when I go out I always grab a bottle. Most of the time i'll fill it up two or three times before I throw it away.
I always thought bottled water was kind of a waste of money to buy and drink at home. I only buy it when I go out. I think they both taste the same so why waste more money than you need to?
Its crazy that when you buy a 20 oz. bottle of water that you are basically throwing away $6.36 when you are done with it. I drink filtered water from the fridge and tap water. I hardly purchase bottle water though when I do I make sure its the cheapest one in the store.
I think a lot of consumers who constantly buy bottled water should simply buy a sports bottle, which is like only $1. You can refill it as many times as you want and it can hold up more water than any Auquafina.
I don't drink bottled water. I fill my own water bottles if I leave, or just use a glass. It's mostly a placebo effect anyway seeing as a lot of bottled water companies just use the local tap water with minimal filtration systems (the kind you might find in a refrigerator) if any. Plus we live on a huge aquifer so we have some of the best water around take advantage of it!
I personally cannot tell the difference between tap water and bottled water. I have a water purifier at my house and I usually just drink from that. If I'm on the go bottled water may be nice but its too expensive for me so i just usually bring my own. I'm glad that less bottled water is being bought, it will save money and resources in the long run.
Water is the only thing I ever drink. I have never been a soda drinker and I rarely drink coffee. So, it would be ridiculous of me to only drink bottled water. With cases of Dasani adding up to thousands of dollars a year, I would not be able to spend money on more useful things .. Like college?
I agree with Heather Kennedy when she says that bottled water is a total rip off. Tap water is specially purified and will not kill you to drink it. It all tastes the same to me.
I don't drink a whole lot of water, but I think that bottled water is much better than tap water. I'm also a very picky eater/drinker. So that might be why. Dasani is the best bottled water in my opinion. My family is still buying bottled water, although sometimes we use tap. I think the prices of bottled water is a bit crazy, but I think it is worth it.
what about the landfills? bottled water is bad. they have been telling us that for years. i have a very nice nalgene bottle that i fill up.i do enjoy a smartwater everynow and then but still that is a cheaper bottled water at maybe $2.00....but then i recycle that bottle. tap water is filled with a bunch of stuff i dont want. i would pay the price for a brita water filter!
I very rarely drink bottled water myself, it's always seemed like a waste to me. Didn't know there were 'anti bottled water' groups, though.
I would rather just use tap water anyways. I only get bottled water when im outside doing something or going somewhere and want something to drink then yeah, i'll buy it but not when i'm at home with water in my kitchen. But, you know, people are different.
All that I drink is bottled water and ocassionally gatorade when I have been doing a lot of exercise. I hate the way tap water tastes and I have to go with the Aquafina. Also I sometimes notice something floating around in my tap water. Of course my sink could be broken. I will have to check that out. The only time I drink it is when I am out of everything else in the fridge. If people have a problem with bottled water so much then go buy a large french fry at McDonalds and order 100 waters to go. They wont charge you if you buy something. Otherwise 27 cents. It is tap but tastes better than my tap.
My family never gets bottled water anyways. We have the built in filter thing in out fridge. I feel that people that do buy bottled water just waist their time and alot of their money.
I think it's ok to have a bottled water when your out and its really hot and your thirsty thats all right. But My family does not pick to go out and buy those giant packs of bottle waters and store for the house, we just use the tap water. But when i have a sporting event we do get a coupkle of waters for me to drink and be hydrated for the event.
My dad and I always have bottled water in the fridge no matter what. I think its just a conveinence thing. To me it tastes better than tap but if i was budgeting i would deal with tap. Altough i love bottled water it does add up to being pretty expensive buying it every week.
I have never really bought bottled water. I have a big water bottle that i know i can carry around and fill up at any time so I dont see a need to buy bottled water and when it comes to taste I have never had a problem but nothing tastes wierd when you swim in chlorine water for half your life.
I drink water a lot and I usually drink water from water bottles. It's a rip off how people can actually spend $400 a year from drinking water from bottles. I would rather drink from the tap, it does not taste that bad at all.
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