First we looked at hover cars, but while we are waiting on the price of those to go down, how about this? Futuristic car makes reversing obsolete. For all those drivers that hate parallel parking and anything else that requires the reverse gear, Nissan could one day have the car for you.
I believe that this futuristic is pretty awesome! If I became rich one day and these were still out on the market I would buy it . But we all know that these cars are going to cost boat loads of money!!!!! Amanda Sallie period 4
I like the idea of the rotating cabin. That will do away with a lot of unnecissary fender-benders and parking accidents. It will make driving a lot more convenient for bad drivers. However,the idea of the talking computer inside kind of freaks me out. I don't like the idea that my car would be smart enough to talk to me, makes me think it might be smart enough to kill me too.
Phil Sliger Per 3
This futuristic car is pretty cool. I like the rotating cabin because instead of having to turn around and look over your shoulder to go in reverse, the whole cabin just rotates around. There might be less of a chance to get into a small accident or a fender bender. I agree with Philip about the the talking computer in the car. It would be a little weird to have it be smart enough to talk to you.
Jordan Campbell Per 3
Well this car looks and sounds pretty cool. The rotating top would definitely be beneficial to many drivers that i know! i wonder how safe the car is though. Not only does the talking part creep me out but it would distract me too. somedays you may not want to talk about how you are feeling..especially not with a car!
jenna smith
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