It's here.........Halo 3" the most eagerly anticipated video game of the year -- it achieved a milestone of a million preorders two months ago -- but this action sci-fi series has become a cultural phenomenon, spawning novels, comics, action figures and more to come.
So the big question is: Does "Halo 3" live up to the hype? Did you buy it? Will you buy it? Have you seen it and if so, what did you think?
"A communist or a communist sissy girl", tell me that is not what you said Alec. :) Glad you are enjoying the game. Apparently, you are pleased with the purchase. One more happy consumer. Glad you took time enough away from the game to talk to us. :)
Alec, first of all you cant pwn anyone. You are a n00b youself. Secondly you spelled n00b wrong. I'm sorry I'm better than you at everything. Next, just because some people don't like Halo doesn't make them communist. Do some research, there has never been anyone that truly achieved the definition of communist. People are entitled to their opinions, however, if they don't like Halo then their opinion is wrong. (Just like democrats and Liberals) Now, to actually comment on the Blog. Halo: Combat evolved was the flagship game for Xbox. Halo 2 was the best selling video game of all time, above any Mario or Madden game ever released. Halo 2 sold apprx. 143 million copies its first year on the world market. With Halo 3 having over 3 million preorders and more worldwide and over 11,000 retail stores staying open past midnight to launch it it is easy to say that there is hype to the game. Does it live up to the hype? Yes. How? Well, its the first game with true HDR lighting effect, over 50,000 audio clips, a full 60 person orchestra, 24 voice choir, and many other things. Their marketing campaign for Halo 3 was given a budget of over $10 million, the budget of most African countries governments. Halo 3 certainly lives up to its hype. Over 500,000 people are constantly online around the globe. They have already logged nearly 1 million online games. Halo 3 has fufilled its purpose and is superior than all other FPS games in any and every way. P.s. Alec, I challenge you to a game of Lone Wolf Slayer. Your choice of map with defualt weapon settings. Prepare to be pwned n00b.
-Tyler Sinclair
Halo 3 is awesome! I pre-ordered it a month before it came out and picked it up on release day, the 25th. It is really fun, the campaign is impressive with a good story line and huge battles. The online multiplayer is really fun too. There are a lot of new weapons and levels and it plays well. The needler, which is a gun, is a little overpowered but other than that no complaints. I'll have it beat by friday night. The game really lived up to what I thought it'd be. P.S. I'll beat you any day Alec.
Let's refrain from calling people names. It is just not nice and un-economics club like. Make sure comments are related to article. With Love Mrs. Rowland
I myself haven't bought the game yet, but i've played it at Alec's house. The few minutes i have played were great. But i gotta say, although halo 3 will probably go down in history as the single greatest game of all time, since it is, i can't wait for Guitar Hero 3 to come out.
Thats a game we can all enjoy.
P.S. I'm way better than Alec, any day, any time, Halo or Guitar Hero.
Halo 3 is not that much better than the past two versions. i really liked the new weapons. but other than that it was the same old halo.
I am curious, how many hours a day do some of you play? Let's remember our chapter one on marginal analysis/marginal benefit. I too use to play games and yes it was beyond just putting a string on a cricket and watching it jump (no I have never done that). In college I spent a lot of time playing Centipede with friends. I wonder how I would have done in that science class I took my Freshman year, if I had spent more time in the books, rather than pushing a button. Games are great in moderation.
I bet you guys think you could beat me in Halo. I think I hear a challenge coming on. :) I have weighed my benefits and decided I better keep prepping for class instead, lucky for you guys.
I don't understand how so many people can be obsessed with one game. So many of my friends have told me i need to play halo, or it's so amazing.
i'm not a video game person and i don't do what everyone else is doing. As far as i'm conserened... i'll never play it.
I think that gears of war deserved way more hype than halo 3 got. i havent played it yet but based on the hype halo 2 got verses the actual gameplay i think that its all just media coverage
Hey, Hey! I know!
Let's talk about good games like Resident Evil, or Silent Hill, or even 358/2?
Ha ha. Sorry, I don't get the hype about Halo. I love video games, so I of course have played it. It didn't do anything for me.
Have fun playing your Halo. =]
Lauren Gabbard
Halo 3 has the biggest one day revenue income of all entertainment launches. It was bigger than spider man 3's total opening weekend income. From speaking to a retailer on launch day, NKU (Northern Kentucky University) closed its campus down on for the Halo 3 launch day to accomodate their students becuase so many would not attend class that day. Also the same retailer informed me that numerous other school districts in Kentucky school systems shut down their schools for the launch. This is shows how one video game can effect the whole economy. So many people called in sick days on September 25th so they could stay home and play Halo all day. The economy as a whole has been effected by the grand scale by the launch of this video game.
Also, in response to a prior comment. Please if you are posting, have the facts to back up your post. There are indeed 3, yes 3 versions of the Halo 3 video game. A regular 60 dollar version, a limited 80 dollar version, and a legendary 130 dollar version, not a 60 and 150 dollar version. So please refrain from posting if you do not have the facts.
If you go to Younglife you're not a gamer.
The. End.
And People in Waynesville get off school for the Sauerkraut festival. They shut down the school too. =]
Sorry, getting off for a day for a game is silly.
I've played only the regular version. If you were talking to me. But, It's the same game?
It's like paying extra for the bonus features on a DVD. I dunno, cool at first, but is it worth it in the end?
Like I said before, I love video games, just not this one. =]
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