Marc Ecko, who bought Barry Bond's 756th home run ball held an online auction to let the people decide where it's place in history should be preserved, and how. He set up a Web site for fans to vote on the ball's fate, and the decision to brand it won out over the other options, sending it to the Baseball Hall of Fame unblemished or launching it into space. The asterisk suggests that Bonds' record is tainted by alleged steroid use.
Echo gave over $750,000 dollars in an auction.
I agree with the ball being marked with and asterisk. I think that it should be in the hall of fame but i dont think that he deserves the record. I think the asterisk to symoblize his alleged steroid use is a great idea, because i think it needed to be known for years to come that he may not have gotten the record through pure talent. i agree with the saying,"Babe Ruth did it on hot dogs and ice cream....what about you?"
-Alex Landen
i think that Barry Bonds shouldn't even be consider an athlete because he was on roids his entire carrer. anybody who is juiced up, in my opinion, are pansies. the man had no talent and i think they should induct the steroids into the hall of fame because the steriods broke Hank Aaron record not Bonds.
i think they should of just gave the ball to the Hall of Fame without the asterisk on it. They never proved he did steroids so there is no need to put an asterisk on it.
We live in a society where people are allowed to buy items and make choices in what they are going to do with them. We call that a market economy, but you already know that. This one is a hard one. I do try and go with the rule, innocent until proven guilty. It is the social studies teacher in me. However, I have to say I am thrilled it did not end up in space. :)
I love the idea of the ball being sent to the hall of fame with an asterick on it. It is obvious that Bonds has done steriods. Check out before and after photos, the timing of his homerun peak (late 30's) and leaked testimony to Congress.
Kyle Bonnell
I think that the ball should go into the hall of fame but with a asterisk. Barry Bonds does not deserve the record. It wasnt proven that he use steriodes but his personal trainer amitted it.
Patrick Long
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